

  • Sale Price: Sale Price is the price payable per unit by an investor for purchase of units (subscription) and/or switch-in from other schemes of a mutual fund.

SEBI vide circular no. SEBI / IMD / CIR No. 4 / 168230 / 09 dated June 30, 2009, has abolished Entry Load for all mutual fund schemes.

Hence, during the New Fund Offer (NFO), the Sale Price per unit is at Face Value per unit specified in the respective Scheme Information Document (SID) and Key Information Memorandum (KIM)

During the ‘Ongoing Offer’ period (i.e., the date from which the scheme re-opens for subscriptions/redemptions after the closure of the NFO period.), the units may be purchased at NAV i.e., the Sale Price per unit is equivalent to applicable NAV on the date of subscription.

Repurchase/Redemption Price

The Repurchase/Redemption Price is the price per Unit at which a Mutual Fund would ‘repurchase’ the units (i.e., buys back units from the investor) upon redemption of units or switch-outs of units to other schemes/plans of the Mutual Fund by the investors, and includes Exit Load, if / wherever applicable.

Redemption price is calculated as follows:

Redemption Price = Applicable NAV*(1- Exit Load, if any) For Example: If the Applicable NAV is ₹10 and Exit Load is 2%, then the Redemption Price will be = ₹10* (1-0.02) = ₹9.80

It may be noted that an AMC / Trustee has the right to modify existing Exit Load structure and/or to introduce Exit Loads subject to a maximum limit prescribed under the Regulations.

Any change in Load structure will be effective on prospective basis and will not affect the existing mutual fund units in any manner.

As per SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996, in respect of Open-Ended Schemes, Repurchase Price (commonly referred to as Redemption price) shall not be lower than 95% of NAV.

It may be noted that units of Closed Ended Schemes cannot be Repurchased prematurely.